Create an exchange rate provider class

The exchange rate provider class will contain the logic that queries the exchange rates for the specified currencies. The class must inherit the Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.Ecommerce.ExchangeRates.Services.RateProviderBase class. Your class must expose the following method:
ExchangeRateResponse GetExchangeRates(ExchangeRateRequest request);

This method has one parameter of type ExchanageRateRequest which contains the base currency of the store, a list of currencies to get exchange rates for (SupportedCurrencies), and the user defined settings for the provider which can be used to provide basic credentials (username, password, URL) for calling an external service. The method returns an ExchangeRateResponse class, which contains the list of rates for the requested currencies and a list of any error messages.

This method will be called when the rates are requested in the Sitefinity CMS backend. For more information about using the provider, see For developers: Use the exchange rate provider.

To create the exchange rate provider class, perform the following:

  1. Create a new class file.
    In the folder for your custom provider, create a new class file.
  2. Make the class public.
    Define the class to use the public access specifier.
  3. Inherit the RateProviderBase class.
    The RateProviderBase class requires the following abstract method to be implemented:
    ExchangeRateResponse GetExchangeRates(ExchangeRateRequest request);
  4. Implement the GetExchangeRates method.
    In this method you have to do the following:
    1. Create an instance of the Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.Ecommerce.ExchangeRates.Model.ExchangeRateResponse class.
      The method must return an instance of this type. In the next step you will populate its properties.
    2. Set the base currency of the response.
      Set the BaseCurrency property to the value of the same property of the request object.
    3. Set the request status.
      Set the RateRequestStatus property of the response instance to the desired status.
    4. Set the received date.
      Set the ReceivedDate property of the response instance to DateTime.Now.
    5. Get an instance of the settings for the provider.
      If you require them, you can get the settings for the provider by getting the value of the Settings property of the request instance.
    6. Iterate through the SupportedCurrencies collection of the request instance.
      Get the rate for each of the supported currencies. One of the ways to do this is to call an external service. In this example, hardcoded values are used. After getting the rate, you can validate the value and update the rate request status, if needed.
  5. Return the response instance.
    Return the instance of the ExchangeRateResponse class.

Use the following example of an exchange rate provider class:

using System;
using Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.Ecommerce.ExchangeRates.Exceptions;
using Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.Ecommerce.ExchangeRates.Model;
using Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.Ecommerce.ExchangeRates.Services;
namespace SitefinityWebApp.CustomExchangeRateCalculator
public class TelerikExchangeProvider : RateProviderBase
public override ExchangeRateResponse GetExchangeRates(ExchangeRateRequest request)
ExchangeRateResponse response = new ExchangeRateResponse();
response.BaseCurrency = request.BaseCurrency; // Return the base currency of the request in the response object
response.RateRequestStatus = ExchangeRateSuccessType.FullSuccess; // All requested exchange rates were processed successfully
response.ReceivedDate = DateTime.Now; // Return date/time of the request in the response object
TelerikExchangeSettings settings = request.Settings as TelerikExchangeSettings; //You can get the settings for the provider and use them
foreach (string currency in request.SupportedCurrencies)
decimal rate = GetExchangeRate(currency, request.BaseCurrency);
if (rate == -1.0M)
response.Errors.Add(String.Format("Exchange rate '{0}' not supported", currency));
// If one or more requested currencies are not supported by this provider, then return "PartialSuccess".
response.RateRequestStatus = ExchangeRateSuccessType.PartialSuccess;
else if (rate == -2.0M)
response.Errors.Add(String.Format("Base currency rate '{0}' not supported", currency));
// If this provider does not support exchange rates in the base currency return "Failed"
response.RateRequestStatus = ExchangeRateSuccessType.Failed;
return response;
// The requested currency was processed succesfully so add the currency and exchange rate
// to the response object's Rates property.
response.Rates.Add(currency, rate);
return response;
/// <summary>
/// Put your code in this method to return a rate based upon the requested "currency" and the site's "baseCurrency".
/// </summary>
/// <param name="currency">The requested currency</param>
/// <param name="baseCurrency">The base currency of the site</param>
/// <returns>An exchange rate for the requested currency.
/// Returns -1 if the requested currency is not supported.
/// Returns -2 if the base currency is not supported.
/// </returns>
private decimal GetExchangeRate(string currency, string baseCurrency)
if (baseCurrency != "USD")
return -2.0M;
switch (currency)
case "AUD": return 1.0M;
case "EUR": return 2.0M;
case "GBP": return 3.0M;
case "JPY": return 100.0M;
case "USD": return 0.5M;
return -1.0M;

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