Orders list widget

Use the Orders list widget to give a logged in customer the opportunity to view all of their orders. The widget displays a list of all orders and for each order the following is displayed to the customer:

  • The date the order was placed
  • All the products in the order, together with their images, prices, and quantities
  • The total cost of the products in the order and the cost of the shipping
  • The status of the order
  • A link to details about the shipping and billing addresses and the payment method
  • A link to printing invoice

PREREQUISITES: You have created the page where the Order Invoice widget will be added.

After you have dragged the Orders list widget on your page you must configure it.

  1. To do this, click Edit button in the upper-right corner of the widget.
  2. Click Select Order Invoice page button.
  3. Select the page where the Order Invoice widget is added and click Done selecting.
  4. Click Save
    The Edit window closes.

In Size of thumbnails dropdown box, select the size of the product images that will be displayed in the Orders list widget.
You use thumbnails instead of actual image sizes in order to speed up the loading of the page. 
Choose between one of the predefined thumbnail sizes. For more information about defining new sizes, see Thumbnails.

PREREQUISITES: The library that contains the product images must have generated thumbnails for the size that you have selected. For example, if in the Orders list  widget you have selected size of thumbnails 80x80 px, the library that contains the product images must also have generated 80x80 px thumbnails. For more information, see Image libraries » Step 6. If the library does not have the selected size of thumbnails, the system automatically generates 160x160 px image thumbnails for the products.

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Order Invoice widget