Backend interface settings


IMPORTANT: This configuration page replaces the config.json file that was used prior to Sitefinity 14.3. In case you upgrade from a prior version, all supported configurations are automatically migrated to this configuration page and the file is no longer considered. .


List view

  • Display hidden columns: For each content type you can define which hidden columns are displayed in the list together with columns that are already visible. Example value for this field is:

    {   "newsitems": [    "Author"   ]}.

    This states that for the newsitems entity set, the Author column, which is hidden by default, is shown as well. 

  • Child types order: This configuration allows reordering of the child types in the Contains column of hierarchical types with two or more children. To reorder them, list their names in the order you prefer to be displayed. Example value for this field is:  

    This means that if you have a dynamic module called Country (which entity set will be countries in this case) and then create three modules that are children to Country – River (rivers), Mountain (mountains), City (cities) they are ordered in the Contains column the way they are stated in the configuration. 

  • Virtualization for pages: This is a yes/no field that configures the virtualization for pages.


Item editing section:

  • Minimum items to display sections menu: By default, the sections menu in the item edit screen is visible only when there are 5 or more field sections. You can control this behavior by changing the number of sections needed for the menu to be visible. 
  • Date and time format for fields: By default, the date and time formats used by the date and time fields, for example the start and end dates of the event content items, are in the format h:mm a for the time component and M/dd/yyyy for the date component. You can change these formats by adding the following configuration to the Date and time format for fields:

    The configurations work as follows: 
    If useBrowserLocale is set to true, then the timeFormat and dateFormat are disregarded. 
    The browserLocaleFormatWidth can be either short, medium or long, if this property is not provided and useBrowserLocale is true, it defaults to short.
    There are certain limitation that apply to the timeFormat and dateFormat. The dateFormat accepts only a certain subset of date formats and the timeFormat accepts only a certain subset of time formats. You may find the supported formats below:
  • Date formats:

    Time formats:

    EXAMPLE: Example behavior of useBrowserLocale if the browser's language is English (US). 


    If the browserLocaleFormatWidth is set to long the formats used in the date and time field will be h:mm:ss a and MMMM d, y, which looks like 9:22:13 am and July 10, 2021
    If the browserLocaleFormatWidth is set to medium the formats used in the date and time field are h:mm:ss a and MMM d, y, which looks like 9:22:13 am and Jul 10, 2021
    If the browserLocaleFormatWidth is set to short the formats used in the date and time field are h:mm a and M/d/yy, which looks like 9:22 am and 7/10/2021

Rich text editor section:

  • Toolset: The kendo editor json configuration.
    The default value is:
  • Link styles: Use this configuration to specify styles for displaying links in your text. For example you can define a style to display a link as button. An example value for this field can be:   

    That means that there are three predefined types of styles called Primary button, Secondary button, and Success button. These appear in the dropdown in the rich text editor when a link is clicked and then the icon drop is clicked. Selecting one of them will apply the values in the Value collection as a class html attribute values. This means that any CSS file that is loaded both on the front end and back end of the application and that has rules for these classes applies the styling for them. This example contains the bootstrap buttons classes so for them to be visually correct, the bootstrap CSS has to be loaded in the rich text editor only because for the front end of the application it is there by default. 

    If your project is based on Bootstrap 5 or Minimal resource packages, you can take advantage of the provided npm script for compiling SASS file to one minified CSS file. 

    Perform the following:  

    1. Use @import to include all needed SASS files into editor.scss that is located in ~\ResourcePackages\Bootstrap5\assets\src\project\sass\adminapp 
      In our case, we import the main.scss file that is located in the previous folder (this will include the bootstrap css). To do this, simply type @import “../main.scss” and save the file. 

    2. Navigate to the ~\ResourcePackages\Bootstrap5 folder open a terminal with administrator rights.

    3. Type npm install - so that you can install the node_modules 

    4. Type npm run sass:editor 
      This task will generate editor.min.css file that you can find in folder ~\ResourcePackages\Bootstrap5\assets\dist\css\ 

      Include the editor.min.css file in the configuration for the rich text editor by adding it to the Toolset json object: 

Commands section:

Change owner for content types: Select content types for which you want to enable Change owner command. By default, the command is always available for Pages regardless of this setting. Example value for this field is:

[ "newsitems" ]

That means that the entity set names can be listed here. When you navigate to the news grid and click on the actions menu column to list all the actions, the Owner action is shown for news if newsitems is listed in the configuration as shown above. 

Search section:

Search in fields: Example value for this field is:

 {"newsitems": ["Content"]}

With this example when you perform a search in the grid, the field that these news items are searched by include the Content field as stated above in the configuration.

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