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By default DateTime picker is used by the timespan selector. For more information, see Use a timespan selector. However you could also use the DateTime picker in your own selector. The following tutorial explains the main properties of the DateTime picker and how to use it.
Feather automatically registers the scripts you need and, if no other designer view with explicitly set priority exists, Feather sets your designer view priority 1. In case you need to have full control over the scripts that are loaded or you want to set custom priority, you can alternatively create your own DesignerView.YourView.json file. If you have a JSON file that matches the convention (even if empty), this automatic scripts registration will not occur. In your DesignerView.YourView.json file you have to add a scripts array. The content of the file should be similar to:
{ "priority": 1, "components" : ["sf-date-time-picker"] }
In your DesignerView.YourView.cshtml place the following tag somewhere in the html:
<sf-date-time-picker ng-model="startDate" sf-show-meridian="true" sf-hour-step="3" sf-minute-step="5"></sf-date-time-picker >
The DateTime picker has the following properties which you could set via attributes:
ng-model - The Date object that provides the time state. The value of the attribute is a scope property that you must have added in your widgets controller:
public string StartDate { get; set; }
Then add the following code in the designer's controller:
$scope.$watch('properties.StartDate.PropertyValue', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { $scope.startDate = new Date(newValue); } }, true); $scope.$watch('startDate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { $ = newValue.toUTCString(); } }, true);
sf-show-meridian - Whether to display 12H or 24H mode. The default value is true.
sf-hour-step - Step used for values displayed in hours drop-down. The default value is 1.
sf-minute-step - Step used for values displayed in minutes drop-down. The default value is 10.
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