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When creating the custom pipe, you implement the following interfaces:
IPipe - base publishing point pipe interface. To implement the interface, you must implement the following methods:
GetDefaultSettings - gets the default settings.
Initialize - creates a pipe instance and passes the pipe settings to it.
CanProcessItem - indicates if the pipe can process an item when pushing the data.
GetPipeSettingsShortDescription - gets the pipe settings short description.
CleanUp - cleans up the stored items in the publishing point.
GetConvertedItemsForMapping - applies the mappings.
IPushPipe - base push pipe interface. To implement the IPushPipe interface, you must implement the PushData method. The PushData method pushes the data to the publishing point.
IPullPipe - base pull pipe interface. To implement the IPullPipe interface, you must implement the GetData method. The GetData method gets the data from the publishing point.
IInboundPipe - base inbound pipe interface. To implement the IInboundPipe interface, you must implement the ToPublishingPoint method. The ToPublishingPoint method transfers the data to the publishing point.
IOutboundPipe - base outbound pipe interface. You do not need to implement any method to implement the IOutboundPipe interface.
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