Sitefinity Insight API data types


Name Data type Description
code Integer The HTTP status code of the response.
message String A descriptive message, usually providing information on why the request failed and how to fix it.


Name Data type
Id String
Email String
FirstName String
LastName String
IsRoaming Boolean
HasPassword Boolean
Active Boolean
Status String


Name Data type Description
access_token String The authorization token, which is needed to authenticate in Sitefinity Insight secured endpoints.
token_type String The type of the authorization token. Sitefinity Insight uses and returns only bearer tokens.
expires_in String Expiration time of the token (in seconds).
user_info AuthenticationServiceUserData Contact details and status of the user in the authentication service records.


Name Data type Description
String The authorization token from the access key, which is needed to authenticate in Sitefinity Insight secured endpoints.
String The type of the authorization token. Sitefinity Insight uses and returns only bearer tokens.
String Expiration time of the token (in seconds).
AccessKeyInfo  Contains information about the access key.


Name Data type Description
id String The ID of the access key.
name String The name of the access key


Name Data type Description
Id String The Id of the authorized user in Sitefinity Insight.
UserType String The type of the user in Sitefinity Insight. Can be either AccessKey or ApplicationRelyingParty.
Username String The login name of the authorized user.
Email String User's email
FirstName String User's first name
LastName String User's last name
IsActive Integer

0 - User has never interacted with any of the Sitefinity Insight API server endpoints or Web App.

1 – User has interacted with Sitefinity Insight.
TermsAndCondsState Integer

The state of terms and conditions acceptance:

  • 0 – Terms and conditions are not accepted
  • 1 – Terms and conditions altered since last acceptance
  • 2 – Latest terms and conditions are accepted
 ReacceptTerms Integer   Flag to show if the user needs to re-accept the updated terms and conditions.
 LatestDismissedMessageId  Integer  The identifier of last dismissed message from what's new notifications.
TermsAndCondsAccptedOn Datetime The date on which the latest terms and conditions were accepted.


Name Data type Description
Id Guid The primary key and unique identified of the data center.
ApiKey Guid The key used to identify the data center in the API calls to the Sitefinity Insight endpoints.
Name String The name of the data center as defined by the user who created it.
Description String he description of the data center as set by the user who created it.
State Integer

Indicates the current state of the data center:

  • 1
    Scheduled for creation
  • 2
    Being Created
  • 3
  • 5
PersonasCount Integer The number of personas defined in the data center.
LeadsCount Integer The number of lead scoring types defined in the data center.
GoalsCount Integer The number of goals and conversion defined in the data center
PersonalizationReportsCount Integer The number of personalization reports defined in the data center.
TouchpointsCount Integer The number of touchpoints defined in the data center
DataSourcesCount Integer The number of data sources reported to the data center.
CreatedByUserId Guid The unique identifier of the user who created the data center.
CreatedOn Datetime The date and time of the creation of the data center in UTC.
ContactsOperationsStatus Integer

Indicates if contact's maintenance is being executed

  • Null
    No maintenance
  • 1
DataCenterType String

The type of the data center. Can be one of the following:

  • Standard
  • Demo
 OperationalStatus  String  Indicates the current operational status of the data center.
 AverageLoad  Integer  The average unique visitors in the data center for last 30 days.
 Settings  DatacenterSettings  The settings which will be used by the datacenter.
ABTestsCount Integer The number of A/B tests in the data center.
AccountId Guid The unique identifier of the Sitefinity Insight account the data center is created in.
StorageSettingsId Guid The unique identifier of the storage settings of the data center.



Name Data type  Descrition
Id Guid The unique identifier of the Data center.
StatisticsRecalculationHour Datetime The time the new statistics should be recalculated.
GoalRecalculationHour Datetime The time the goals should be recalculated.

Key-value pair

 Name Data type Required Description
K String Yes The key of the metadata, for example, Email, Last Name, and so on.
V String Yes The value of the metadata, for example,, Smith, and so on.

Interaction mapping

Name Data type Required Description
S String Yes The unique identifier of the subject you wish to map the current subject to.
DS String Yes The data source in which the subject you wish to map the current subject to was reported.

Personalization object metadata

Name Data type Required Description
Id String No The ID of the personalization.
Type String Yes

The type of the personalization. The type can be either one:

  • Page
  • Widget
Segment String Yes The personalization segment.
 SegmentId  String  Yes

The identifier of the segment.

NOTE: Reported by Sitefinity CMS 13.0 and later.

AB test object metadata

Name Data type Required Description
Id String Yes The ID of the A/B test on the page.
VariantId String Yes The ID of the A/B test variant visited.

Interaction object metadata

Name Data type Required Description
Id String No  
Personalization PersonalizationObjectMetadata No  
ABTest ABTestObjectMetadata No  
Title String No  
CanonicalTitle String No  
CanonicalUrl String No  
Author String No  
CreatedOn Datetime No  
ModifiedOn Datetime No  
ContentType String No  
ModuleName String No  
Language String No  
SiteName String No  
PageId String No  
PreviousPageId String No  
PreviousPageLanguage String No  
ReferrerUrl String No  
ReferrerId String No  
ReferrerType String No  
ReferrerProvider String No  
ReferrerSite String No  
ReferrerLanguage String No  
ContentPath Object No  
Hierarchies Array No  
* String No You can provide any number of string properties you need. For example, you can report a reviewer of the object, by providing a property Reviewer and its value as string.


Name Data type Required Description
S String Yes The unique identifier of the subject who performed the action, for example,
P String Yes The predicate of the interaction.
O String No The object of the interaction.
T String No Timestamp of the action.
IP String No The IP address, from which the action is completed.
SM Object No

Subject metadata to be reported along with the interaction. You can import any properties, as long as they are represented as strings, for example:



    "FirstName": "John",

    "LastName": "Smith",

    "Company": "Sitefinity",

    "Phone": "935-434-112"


OM InteractionObjectMetadata No Object metadata to be reported along with the metadata,
MappedTo InteractionMapping[] No A collection of subjects to map to the subject provided by the S property.

Personalization context

Name Data type Required Description
Properties Object No Contains the values of all ContactProperties. Each object property contains the ID of the respective ContactProperty.
InPersonas Array of PersContextPersona objects No IDs of all personas, which a given visitor belongs to.
PassedLeads Array of PersContextLead objects No IDs of all lead scorings, where a given visitor interactions count with their levels.

Personalization context - Persona

Name Data type Required Description
PersonaId Integer No Contains the ID of the persona, which a given visitor belongs to.

Personalization context - Leads

Name Data type Required Description
LeadId Integer No Contains the ID of the lead scoring for particular visitor.
LevelId Integer No Contains the passed level of given lead scoring for a given visitor.

Scoring result

Name Data type Required Description
Id Integer No The ID of the persona
Score Integer No The score of the subject, associated with the persona.
Threshold Integer No The threshold score a subject needs to pass to be associated with the persona.
ThresholdPassedOn Datetime No The date when the subject passed the threshold.

Levels pass

Name Data type Required Description
LevelId Integer No The ID of the lead scoring type that was passed.
PassedOn Datetime No The date when the subject scored enough to be associated with this lead scoring type.

Levels pass v2

Name Data type Required Description
LevelId Integer No The ID of the lead scoring type that was passed.
Threshold passedOn Datetime No The date when the subject scored enough to be associated with this lead scoring type.
Threshold Integer No The number of points a subject needs to score to be associated with this lead scoring type.

Lead scoring result Data types v1

Name Data type Required Description
ScoringId Integer No The ID of the lead scoring type.
Score Integer No The points scored by the subject.
Levels LevelsPass[] No Array of objects that describes each lead type the subject has passed.

Lead scoring result Data types v2

Name Data type Required Description
ScoringId Integer No The ID of the lead scoring type.
Score Integer No The points scored by the subject.
Levels LevelsPassV2 No Array of objects that describes each lead type the subject has passed.

Lead scoring result report

Name Data type Required Description
Subject String No  
DataSource String No  
Leads Lead scoring result Data types v1 No  

Expression part

Name Data type Required Description
Id Integer Yes The ID of the expression part.
Predicate String Yes The predicate in the expression.
PredicateOperator String Yes

Represents the matching rule applied on the predicate. Can be one of the following:

  • ExactMatch
  • Contains
  • StartsWith
  • EndsWith
ObjectOperator String No

Represents the matching rule applied on the object. Can be one of the following:

  • ExactMatch
  • Contains
  • StartsWith
  • EndsWith
Objects String[] No An array with all the objects that the rule will be applied to (taken with or operand, for example, object1 or object2).
CaseSensitive Boolean No Indicates whether the objects are case sensitive.
IsNegated Boolean No Indicates whether the current expression needs to be negated.
ObjectMetadata Object No

An object that represents string rules that will be matched against ObjectMetadata, for example:


    "Author": "John Smith",

    "Title": "Home page"



Name Data type Required Description
Relation String Yes Represents the relationship between each of the expression parts. For example: (1 and 2) or (1 and 3)
Parts ExpressionPart Yes List of expression parts that define the expression.


Name Data type Required Description
Id Guid Yes The unique identifier of the variant.
Name String Yes The name of the variant.
State Integer No The state of the variant. This property is handled internally by Sitefinity Insight.
Percentage Integer No The distribution percentage of the variant.
UniqueHitsCount Integer No The number of unique visitors who visited the variant. This property is used internally by Sitefinity Insight and is populated during the nightly calculation of the A/B test statistics.


Name Data type Required Description
Id Guid Yes The unique identifier of the goal.
Name String  No The name of the goal.
GoalType String Yes

The type of the A/B test goal. The two options are:

  • Local
  • Global



Yes/No The ID of a Sitefinity Insight conversion to use as the A/B test goal. Required only when GoalType is Global.
WinnerVariantId Guid No The ID of the winner A/B test variant for the A/B test goal. This property is handled internally by Sitefinity Insight.
Definition ConditionExpression Yes/No The definition of the A/B test goal. Required only when GoalType is Local.
State Integer No The state of the goal. This property is handled internally by Sitefinity Insight.


Name Data type Description
Id Integer The ID of the A/B test goal statistic.
ABGoalId Guid The ID of the A/B test goal the statistic belongs to.
ABVariantId Guid The ID of the A/B test variant the statistic relates to.
CreatedOn Date The date, on which the statistic was calculated.
CompletionCount Integer The number of visitors who completed the A/B test goal after visiting the A/B test variant.
CompletionRate Float The completion rate of the A/B test goal for the A/B test variant.
Improvement Float The improvement against the completion rate of the original variant.
IsPaused Boolean A flag providing information whether the A/B test was paused when the statistics was calculated.
PValue Float A coefficient used to decide the statistical significance of the calculated improvement.
StatisticalSignificance String

The statistical significance of the calculated improvement. Can be one of the following:

  • High
  • Low


Name Data type Required Description
Id Guid Yes
The unique identifier of the A/B test.
Name String Yes The name of the A/B test.
DefinitionPageId String Yes The identifier of the page, on which the A/B test is performed.
BusinessStatus String Yes

The business status of the ab test. Supported statuses are:

  • NotStarted
  • Scheduled
  • Active
  • Stopped
  • Ended
Goals AbTestGoal[] Yes A collection of A/B test goals that Sitefinity Insight will monitor and calculate statistics for.
Variants AbTestVariant[] Yes A collection of A/B test variants of the A/B tested page.
OriginalVariantId Guid Yes The ID of the variant that represents the original look of the A/B tested page.
PrimaryGoalId Guid Yes The ID of the primary A/B test goal, for which a winner will be calculated.
StartDate Date No The start date of the A/B test. The date must be in the future.
StopDate Date No The stop date of the A/B test. The date must be in the future.
StatisticsCalculatedOn Date No The date of the last calculated statistic.
DefinitionPageLanguage String No The language of the A/B tested page. If you have one and the same page ID translated into several languages, Sitefinity Insight creates a single A/B test for each combination of page ID and language.
UniqueVisits Integer No The number of unique visitors that visited any variant of the A/B tested page, including the original. This property is handled internally by Sitefinity Insight.
ActiveDays Integer No The number of days the A/B test is active for. This property is handled internally by Sitefinity Insight. The A/B test needs to be active for at least 14 days before Sitefinity Insight calculates the winner for the primary A/B test goal.
CanonicalUrl String No The canonical URL of the A/B tested page.
State String No The state of the A/B test. This property is handled internally by Sitefinity Insight.


Name Data type Required Description
BusinessStatus String Yes

The business status of the ab test. Supported statuses are:

  • NotStarted
  • Scheduled
  • Active
  • Stopped
  • Ended
StartDate Date No The start date of the A/B test. The date must be in the future.
StopDate Date No The stop date of the A/B test. The date must be in the future.

Subject ID

Name Data type Required Description
DataSource String Yes The data source, with which the visitor is reported.
Subject String Yes The subject (or tracking ID), with which the visitor is reported. For more information, see Tracking ID.


  • Pending
  • Confirmed
  • ProcessingOperationalData
  • OperationalDataDone
  • ProcessingRawData
  • Done
  • Failed


  • Pending
  • Processing
  • DataPrepared
  • Completed
  • Failed


Name Data type Required Description
Id Integer No The ID of the delete contact request.
TargetSubjectsJson String Yes Serialized array of subject IDs to be deleted.
Status DeleteContactRequestStatusEnum No The status of the request.
CreatedByUserId Guid No The ID of the user that created the request.
CreatedByFirstName String No The first name of the user that created the request.
CreatedByLastName String No The last name of the user that created the request.
CreatedOn Date No The date on which the request was created.
ModifiedOn Date No The date on which the request was last modified.


Name Data type Required Description
Id Integer No The ID of the export contact request.
TargetSubjectsJson String Yes Serialized array of subject IDs to be exported.
Status ExportConatctRequestStatusEnum No The status of the request.
CreatedByUserId Guid No The ID of the user that created the request.
CreatedByFirstName String No The first name of the user that created the request.
CreatedByLastName String No The last name of the user that created the request.
CreatedOn Date No The date on which the request was created.
ModifiedOn Date No The date on which the request was last modified.
ExportedDataExpiresOn Date No The date, on which the exported data will no longer be available for download.
DownloadUrl String No The URL, from which the exported data is to be downloaded from.


Name Data type Required Description
Action String Yes The action (predicate) performed by the visitor, for example, Visit, Download file, and so on.
Object String Yes The object of the action performed by the visitor, for example, for an action Visit webpage.
Timestamp DateTime Yes The timestamp of the completed action.


Name Data type Required Description
Key String Yes The key of the metadata, for example, Email.
Value String Yes The value of the reported metadata, for example,


Name Data type Required Description
Source String Yes The source, from which data is being extracted. This is always set to Sitefinity Insight
DataExportDateInUtc String Yes The date, on which the report is generated as UTC string.
DemogrpahicData ExportedContactDataDemographicItem[] Yes An array containing the metadata, reported for the contact.
BehavioralData ExportedContactDataBehavioralItem[] Yes An array containing the behavioral data, reported for the contact.



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