Configure structure and data sync


When you make structure changes to a module, instead of exporting and deploying your site to the target environment, you can use the SiteSync to sync custom fields of built-in modules to the target environment.

To do this, you need to ensure that the structure sync for built-in modules is turned on.

NOTE: The following settings apply only to custom fields of built-in modules.

Perform the following:

  1. In Sitefinity CMS backend, navigate to Administration » Settings » Advanced.
  2. In the left navigation, expand SiteSync and click Structure and data sync.
  3. To turn on syncing of custom fields, select Always sync structure and data for built-in modules.
  4. Select one or more of the following:
    • If you want to allow users to sync both structure and data, select Allow Structure and data sync.
      This option allows syncing of both the custom field, as well as their values.
    • If you want to allow users to sync only the custom fields without their values, select Allow Structure sync.
    • If you want to sync only the values of the custom fields, select Allow Data sync.
      This option allows the users to sync only the values of already synced custom fields, but they are not able choose to sync new custom fields.
  5. Save your changes.

NOTE: These options do not automatically sync structure or data. They only give the user who is performing the site sync to be able to choose these options.
For more information, see Promote content with SiteSync » Select which content to promote.

IMPORTANT: You cannot sync custom fields of built-in modules using the single item sync. If your modules have custom fields that you want to sync, use the SiteSync via the Administration page.
For more information, see Sync single content items and pages.

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