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À propos de Operator Groep Delft B.V. (OGD)

Au service des clients: Netherlands

Don t you know OGD yet? Let us introduce ourselves. The five of us started in 1988, from a student dorm in Delft. ICT was still called Automation, Microsoft was launching Windows 2.0 and Google founder Sergey Brin was a pimply adolescent. And us? We swapped memory tapes from mainframes, as a side income. Back then, we still called ourselves Operator Groep Delft. We saw that automation was the future and that you could change the world with ICT. We wanted that too.

Fourni par Operator Groep Delft B.V. (OGD)

Points forts

  • Kemp LoadMaster

Operator Groep Delft B.V. (OGD)

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