Alexander Shumarski
Sitefinity Product Marketing Manager, Progress
Alexander Shumarski is a Sitefinity Product Marketing Manager at Progress. He has spent the past 10+ years managing large-scale website initiatives and has deep-dived into online media and e-commerce industries. An adventurer at heart and a power CMS user, he has embarked on a journey to empower marketers to tell compelling stories without reliance on IT.
Tue, 07 May | 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM
Five Sitefinity Capabilities for a More Productive Day at the Office
Whether you, as a marketer, aspire to be the king of the hill or the queen of the south, there are many challenges, and as many opportunities that pave the road to success. In this session, Alex will talk about some of the top challenges that marketers are facing and how to tame them with the help of Sitefinity. Specifically, he will discuss:
1) CRM and MA third party Integrations
2) Built in-capabilities to manage SEO
3) Building conversion-ready landing pages and forms
4) Content creation and collaboration
5) Multichannel and multisite content management