Brian Bowman
Senior Principal Product Manager, Progress
A 20-year Progress veteran, Brian is a highly accomplished IT Professional with proven experience in product development and delivery, product architecture design, implementation, installation, deployment, performance tuning and support. Successful implementations have been on-premise and in the cloud including migrations from on-premise to cloud based solutions. My customers have been as small as 10 employees and as large as 5,000 employees. Experience with solutions across vertical industries such as manufacturing, healthcare and financials working with organizations to ensure that they are successful in meeting their business goals.
I love working with companies that are trying to solve business problems with technology.
Thu, 09 May | 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Application Monitoring for Partners
As the demand for more uptime on your application increases, knowing how the application is behaving is a key to maintaining application availability. Come learn about this new offering from Progress which helps Application Partners solve remote customer application management challenges.