Progress DataDirect for ODBC for SAP ASE Wire Protocol Driver

    An asterisk (*) indicates support that was added in a hotfix or software patch subsequent to a release.

    Refer to the following resources for additional information:

    Version 8.0.2

      • The driver is now compiled with Visual Studio 2022 compiler for Windows platforms. As a result, you must have Microsoft Visual C/C++ runtime version 14.40.33810 or higher on your machine to run the driver
      • The driver has been enhanced to support Sybase Extended Password Encryption and Sybase Extended Plus Encrypted Password, which use an asymmetrical key type. This provides stronger password encryption for the secure transmission of public key passwords over networks.
      • The driver has been enhanced to support binary and varbinary data types when using the bulk load protocol.
      • A Password Encryption Tool, called ddencpwd, is now included with the product package. It encrypts passwords for secure handling in connection strings and odbc.ini files. At connection, the driver decrypts these passwords and passes them to the data source as required.
      • The drivers using base version B0548 and later have been enhanced to include timestamp in the internal packet logs by default. If you want to disable the timestamp logging in packet logs, set PacketLoggingOptions=1. The internal packet logging is not enabled by default. To enable it, set EnablePacketLogging=1.
      • The Driver Manager for UNIX/Linux has been enhanced to support setting the Unicode encoding type for applications on a per connection basis. By passing a value for the SQL_ATTR_APP_UNICODE_TYPE attribute using SQLSetConnectAttr, your application can specify the encoding at connection. This allows your application to pass both UTF-8 and UTF-16 encoded strings with a single environment handle.
        The valid values for the SQL_ATTR_APP_UNICODE_TYPE attribute are SQL_DD_CP_UTF8 and SQL_DD_CP_UTF16. The default value is SQL_DD_CP_UTF8.
      • The driver supports the QUERY_TIMEOUT statement attribute on all UNIX/Linux platforms. This was formerly supported only on Windows.
      Changed Behavior
      • The driver has been updated to return Adaptive Server Enterprise as the DBMS name, instead of SQL Server, for the following:
        • SQLGetInfo calls
        • Error messages
      • The TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.0 cryptographic protocols are now disabled by default and have been removed as selectable options for the Crypto Protocol Version (CryptoProtocolVersion) option on the Setup dialog. These protocols are no longer considered secure and, therefore, are no longer recommended for use. However, the driver still supports them for legacy servers that do not support more secure protocols.

      Version 7.1.6

      • For AIX platforms, the ICU library files that are installed with the product have been upgraded to version 74.1. As a part of this upgrade, the ICU library file names have changed. For the 32-bit driver, the ICU file name has changed from libivicu28.a to libivicu.a. For the 64-bit driver, the ICU file name has changed from libddicu28.a to libddicu.a. Notes:
        • This upgrade does not apply to the other UNIX platforms.
        • This upgrade is available starting in build 08.02.1072 of the ICU library files.
        • libivicu27.a (32-bit) and libddicu27.a (64-bit) will continue to be included in the product package to support driver functionality.*
      • For Windows platforms, the ICU library files that are installed with the product have been upgraded to version 74.1. As a part of this upgrade, the ICU library file names have changed. For the 32-bit driver, the ICU file name has changed from ivicu28.dll to ivicu.dll. For the 64-bit driver, the file name has changed from ddicu28.dll to ddicu.dll. Notes:
        • This upgrade is available starting in build 08.02.1072 of the ICU library files.
        • ivicu27.dll and ddicu27.dll will continue to be included in the product package to support driver functionality.*
      • The Driver Manager has been upgraded to version 8.0. The purpose of this upgrade is to have all DataDirect for ODBC drivers use the latest version of the Driver Manager, which allows for faster security updates and a consistent user experience. Note that the Driver Manager is backward compatible. As part of this upgrade:
        • The following ICU library files have been added to the product package:
          • For UNIX: (32-bit) and (64-bit)
          • For Linux: (32-bit) and (64-bit)
        • The trace library file names have been changed for both UNIX and Linux:
          • 32-bit: From to
          • 64-bit: From to
        Note 1: (32-bit) and (64-bit) will continue to be included in the product package to support driver functionality.
        Note 2: The Driver Manager build included with the product is 08.02.1997 (U1987).
      • For Linux platforms only, the ICU library files that are installed with the product have been upgraded to version 74.1. In addition, the ICU library file names have changed for Linux platforms:
        • For the 32-bit driver: From to
        • For the 64-bit driver: From to
        This upgrade is available starting in build 08.02.0965 of the ICU library files.
      • For Windows platforms, the trace library file names have been changed from ivtrc27.dll to ivtrc28.dll (32-bit) and from ddtrc27.dll to ddtrc28.dll (64-bit) to have the same file names across all platforms. This change allows for faster release of security updates and a more consistent user experience.
        Note: To support the trace library file name change, the following ICU library files have been added to the product package: ivicu28.dll (32-bit) and ddicu28.dll (64-bit).
      • The default version of the OpenSSL library has been upgraded to version 3.0.9, which fixes the security vulnerabilities listed on the following page:*


        • The driver supports the following OpenSSL 3.0 providers: Default and FIPS.
        • The FIPS provider is supported only on the following platforms: Windows 64-bit, Linux 64-bit, and AIX 64-bit.
        • When installing a new version of the product, the installer program will automatically replace the OpenSSL 1.1.1 library files with the OpenSSL 3.0 library files in the install directory, which will impact all the DataDirect ODBC drivers installed on a machine. Therefore, if you are using multiple 7.1 drivers, upgrade all your drivers to the latest version.
      • The new CryptoLibName and SSLLibName connection options allow you to designate the OpenSSL libraries used when SSL is enabled.
      Changed Behavior
      • The installer program now requires you to install a JRE that is Java SE 11 or higher before running the installer. In earlier versions, the JRE used by the installer program was included in the product. However, to avoid potential security vulnerabilities, the installer program no longer includes a JRE. Instead, the installer program uses the JRE in your environment to allow for the most secure version of a JRE to be used.


        • This change does not affect the JVM requirements for the driver. For the latest driver requirements, refer to the Product Compatibility Guide.
        • The installer program cannot remove the already installed JRE files from the install directory automatically. Remove them manually.
      • The product package no longer includes the ODBC Cursor library file ( because it has some known security vulnerabilities that could potentially expose you to security risks.*
        Note: The installer program cannot remove the ODBC Cursor library file automatically while installing a new version of the driver. Remove it manually.
      • The product no longer includes version 1.1.1 of the OpenSSL library. The library will reach the end of its product life cycle in September 2023 and will not receive any security updates after that. Note that continuing to use the library after September 2023 can potentially expose you to security vulnerabilities.*

        Note: As a result of this change, when installing a new version of the product, the installer program will automatically remove version 1.1.1 of the library from the install directory, which will impact all the DataDirect ODBC drivers installed on a machine.

      • The product no longer includes version 1.0.2 of the OpenSSL library. The library has reached the end of its product life cycle and is not receiving security updates anymore. Note that continuing to use the library could potentially expose you to security vulnerabilities.*
        Note: As a result of this change, when installing a new version of the driver, the installer program will automatically remove version 1.0.2 of the library from the install directory.
        • The Allowed OpenSSL Versions (AllowedOpenSSLVersions) connection option has been deprecated as the driver currently supports only version 3.0 of the OpenSSL library.
        • The crypto protocol versions prior to TLSv1 are no longer supported.

        Version 7.1.5

        • The OpenSSL library was upgraded to version 1.0.0r, which fixes the CVE‐2015‐0204 (FREAK) vulnerability. See "RSA silently downgrades to EXPORT_RSA [Client] (CVE‐2015‐0204)" at for more
        • The new PRNGSeedSource connection option allows you to specifies whether the driver uses a file or the RAND_poll function as the seed source for SSL key generation.
        • The new PRNGSeedFile connection option allows you to specify the entropy‐source file or device used as a seed for SSL key generation.
        • The new Crypto Protocol Version connection option allows you to specify the cryptographic protocols used when SSL is enabled. This option can be used to avoid vulnerabilities associated with SSLv3 and SSLv2, including the POODLE vulnerability.

        Version 7.1.4

        • The new KeepAlive connection option allows you to use TCP Keep Alive to maintain idle TCP connections.

        Version 7.1.3

        No features introduced 

        Version 7.1.2

        No features introduced 

        Version 7.1.1

        No features introduced 

          Version 7.1.0

          No features introduced 

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