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Research and Projects

CEP-Server: Software for evaluation and querying of complex events in the ITOA domain

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The aim of the software for evaluation and querying of complex events in the ITOA domain (CEP-Server) is a correlation of events from various sources and identification of the root cause of events. The software uses RabbitMQ to accept messages with rule definitions written in the TESLA language and with simple input events, which are then correlated to identify complex events. These identified events are then sent via RabbitMQ back to set consumers. This software is built upon T-Rex, a complex event processing engine. The functionality of the original engine as well as the TESLA language was considerably extended to enable wider applicability in the ITOA and cybersecurity domain. The system has a low processing and memory requirements, while offering high speed of event processing.

Type: R - Software

Keyword: cep; complex event processing; t-rex; tesla; ITOA

License: N - The licensor does not charge license fees for the result.

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