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Research and Projects

Software for intelligent network and application performance analysis

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The purpose of the "Software for intelligent network and application performance analysis" is to provide (perform) analysis of time series data and send back identified event anomalies. The software is being developed by Flowmon Networks under the name FDP (Flowmon Data Provider), usage and functionality of the software will be wider than the original plan. FDP integrates the TSA API (TH02010185-V7), which registers individual time series for analysis, including settings of method parameters, continuously transmits time series values and reports eventual anomalies. Beyond the original plan, it allows you to get trends for the selected time series and pass them for presentation in user interface. Solution is implemented with RabbitMQ library and the first deployment with this messaging system is in distributed architecture. The goal of FDP development is also to ensure communication of individual modules with each other and also with Flowmon solution within the ITOA project.

Type: R - Software

Keyword: Time series; Flowmon Data Provider; anomalies; baseline; trend; detection; integration; messaging; performance analysis

License: The result is used by the owner.

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