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Empowering OpenEdge ABL Developers with Kafka Integration in OpenEdge 12.8

Jul 24, 2024

In today’s dynamic business landscape, responsiveness and real-time interaction between applications are essential. That’s why Progress OpenEdge has integrated seamlessly with Apache® Kafka®, one of the most powerful event-streaming platforms.

This game-changing integration enables OpenEdge applications to participate actively in the Kafka-powered event-driven architecture.  

You can use Kafka to enhance your applications with event streaming and data integration.

In this video, we’ll show you how to use the OpenEdge Messaging API to connect to a Kafka cluster, send and receive messages and configure various options for your Kafka producers and consumers.

With the OpenEdge Messaging API, you can easily connect to a Kafka cluster and send messages directly to a Kafka broker within an ABL application.  

The OpenEdge Messaging API also provides tools for ABL developers to track the success and failure responses for each message sent to a Kafka broker.

Kafka Consumer for OpenEdge ABL

The OpenEdge Messaging API also enables you to connect to a Kafka cluster and receive messages in your ABL applications.   To improve the efficiency and performance of your Kafka producers, OpenEdge 12.8 supports asynchronous messaging to a Kafka broker.  
ABL developers can send messages asynchronously, significantly enhancing the Kafka producer's throughput.
Kafka Transactional Producer

The Kafka Transactional Producer allows ABL developers to send a collection of messages to a Kafka cluster from an ABL application as a conceptual single transaction.
This means that a message consumer won’t see any of the messages in the collection until all have been successfully received and the transaction is complete.

Per-Topic Configuration

OpenEdge 12.8 allows you to configure Quality-of-Service, QoS for short, settings per topic when sending messages to a Kafka cluster.  

This minimizes the hassle of managing additional producers for different topics.

Kafka exposes configuration settings as name-value pairs for producers, and OpenEdge provides an API that allows granular control, including QoS settings.

The following example shows how to set some Kafka properties at the topic level using SetTopicOption().

These OpenEdge features provide the capability, efficiency and control needed to harness the full potential of Kafka messaging.  

Welcome to the OpenEdge 12.8 LTS release, where your capabilities as an ABL developer are amplified.

Visit the What’s New page for more details.


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