
QAD Application Services

We understand that ERP solutions running QAD and OpenEdge have unique business needs. Let us help you update and optimize your application to ensure you’re leveraging all the best features of your QAD system.

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QAD Application Services | Progress OpenEdge


We Understand Your ERP Needs

We understand your expectations because we’ve lived your challenges. As customers of QAD, the Progress team knows the technical and functional needs of users. Let us bring our industry-recognized expert resources to help you with your QAD applications.

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Our QAD Consulting Services

What Our Customers Are Saying

QAD Inc. saw a return on their investment after engaging with Progress Professional Services within 1-4 months. - Zheng Huang Engineer, QAD Inc.

We are a 24/7 operation that requires a near-immediate response when we have technical issues. When we moved to Progress, we were able to resolve a number of outstanding issues.

Bob Lansing, Director of IT Support, Ultratec

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We Can Help

The Progress Professional Services team is dedicated, knowledgeable and responsive. Let’s discuss how to increase your productivity and get the most out of your Progress products.