
MarkLogic Data Services

Instructor-Led Training


Course Description

Learn to build Web API services powered by a MarkLogic Data Hub using REST and JavaScript API's.

Developers taking this course will build on the foundational knowledge, defined in the prerequisites below, to gain a more in-depth understanding of MarkLogic and Web API integration. Apply your programming knowledge and skills through the completion of hands-on labs where you will build, deploy, test, and debug Data Services using the MarkLogic Data Hub platform.

Attendees completing this course will be able to:

  • Develop and deploy data services
  • Test data services from a Java middle-tier
  • Use ml-gradle for managing configuration and deployment
  • Write efficient and scalable server-side code using JavaScript APIs
  • Debug code
  • Build services to:
    • power search applications
    • perform database transactions
    • include semantic data


MarkLogic Developers


12 hours

Course Outline

Introduction to Servicer-side API

  • Building shared data services on a MarkLogic Data Hub
  • Steps in creating services
    • Planning
    • Documenting
    • Testing
    • Prototyping
    • Coding
    • Deploying
  • Micro-service architecture
  • WebAPIs in MarkLogic
  • REST API vs Data Service Endpoints

Building a Web API in JavaScript

  • Follow standard development steps
    • Document the API
    • Configure the Test suite
    • Prototype the modules
    • Code the REST API service
  • Test a data service
  • Deploy the data service using Gradle
  • Unit Test the Service

Data Services

  • Describe data service code components
  • Follow standard development steps
  • Prepare the Test suite
  • Add modules to the test suite
  • Describe Managed and Embedded Triples
  • Load Triples
  • Generate Non-stub access


  • Describe Search Architecture
  • Using REST API Search
  • Search Options
  • REST API Search Transforms
  • Using the JSearch API
  • Query by Example
  • Using cts.parse
  • Search Grammar
  • Working with facet data
  • Using the CTS search API

Optic API

  • Describe Optic API Pipeline
  • Multi-model Search
  • Filters
  • Proxy Functions


  • Describe Single and Multi-step Transactions
  • MVCC
  • Commit behavior
  • Locking and Deadlocks
  • Transactions: REST API vs Data Services

How to Enroll

Instructor-Led Option

This course is available as a free publicly scheduled instructor-led course! Please, refer to our schedule to select the most suitable date for you.

See dates
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