
MarkLogic Intro to Hub Central

Instructor-Led Training


Course Description

This introductory course explores Hub Central, the UI for integrating and managing data using MarkLogic Data Hub. If you are not using the Data Hub, you do not need to take this course. For a deeper dive into Hub Central’s capabilities, we recommend the Data Curation course.

In this hands-on course, you use Hub Central for data integration as you load data, model data, map data, and explore data, on your way toward building out a customer 360 data hub.

By completing this course you will be able to:

  • Explain what Hub Central is for
  • Access Hub Central
  • Explain how data is stored
  • Create a loading step
  • Add a step to a flow
  • Run a step
  • Ingest various types of data
  • Describe the purpose of mapping
  • Create an entity type
  • Create a mapping step
  • Run a mapping step
  • Use Explore
  • Make SQL queries
  • Use the REST API
  • Describe Smart Mastering
  • Access learning resources




6 hours

Course Outline

Unit 1: Understanding Hub Central

  • Learning what Hub Central is Used For
  • Accessing Hub Central

Unit 2: Loading Data

  • Storing Data
  • Creating a Loading Step
  • Adding a Step to a Flow
  • Running a Loading Step
  • Ingesting Delimited Data
  • Using Other Interfaces

Unit 3: Mapping Data

  • Understanding Mapping
  • Defining an Entity Type
  • Creating a Mapping Step
  • Running a Mapping Step

Unit 4: Accessing Data

  • Understanding Ways to Access Data
  • Using Explore
  • Making SQL Queries
  • Reading and Searching via the REST API

Unit 5: Learning More

  • Using Smart Mastering
  • Viewing Learning Resources

How to Enroll

Instructor-Led Option

This course is available as a free publicly scheduled instructor-led course! Please, refer to our schedule to select the most suitable date for you.

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