We are pleased to announce that the unified installer for installing Progress DataDirect ODBC drivers is now available for our OEM customers. The unified installer is our brand new installer for ODBC drivers that will allow you to install and brand mixed versions of ODBC drivers by only running it once.
Before the unified installer, if you had licenses to distribute multiple ODBC drivers, some of them 7.1 and others on 8.0 version, you had to perform multiple installations and specify brand information for each version or driver.The various installers would then install the drivers to various locations, each with their own license file. Also, for branding the drivers, you had to either brand the drivers individually during the installation or by using a branding tool post installation.
To unify the installation, branding and licensing process we are happy to introduce our unified Installer for a better experience. With the unified installer, let’s say you have license for Impala 7.1.4 and Redshift 8.0.1 drivers, you will be able to install Impala 7.1.4 & Redshift 8.0.1 drivers using the unified installer by just running it once. This will install all the drivers to one install location, with just one license file. And for branding, you can brand all the drivers at once during the installation process.
So, let’s see how you can use the unified installer to install and brand multiple ODBC drivers spanning different versions.
IMPORTANTYou will need to obtain key(s) that are compatible with the unified installer before you can use the unified installer. Please fill out the update form, you will receive the key in approximately one business day.
Note: The unified installer requires 8.x based Control #’s. With this, IPE keys of 7.x version will be considered as invalid Control #.
This will begin the installation and will take some time to complete, based on the number of drivers you choose to install.
The installation can also be performed in Console mode and Silent mode. You can easily regenerate packages for your application with the latest patch releases to the driver versions they ship using the Silent mode installation.
Feel free to contact Progress support if you have any questions or issues with the unified Installer.