Tracking consent enables you to stop tracking particular users, using cookies, if the user has not explicitly allowed tracking. Tracking consent works by displaying a Tracking consent dialog to the user the first time the users interacts with a site from a particular domain. It allows the user to either accept or decline tracking. If the user does not interact with the dialog, it will be displayed on every other page.
You use the Tracking consent functionality, if, for example, you do not want to gather statistical data that contains personal information, such as IP addresses, names, email addresses, posts on social networks, etc. Sitefinity CMS has several modules and connectors that gather such information. These are, for example, the Sitefinity CMS Analytics module, Sitefinity Insight and Marketo connectors. If you have created a custom cookie that is unique and is attached to a user in order to identify her or him, this can also be considered personal information.
The Tracking consent functionality stops gathering user data only when the Tracking consent in enabled and configured and the user has not explicitly accepted tracking or has explicitly declined tracking.
The tracking consent controls the collection of user data by the following Sitefinity CMS modules and features:
Tracking consent user choice is saved in cookie sf-tracking-consent on the client’s browser. The cookie expires in 9999 days. After you have turned it on, if the user has neither accepted nor declined, the default behavior of the Sitefinity CMS is as if the user has not consented to tracking.
The user will be displayed a dialog only the first time he or she hits any page from a particular domain and the choice will be saved in the cookie. The user will be displayed the dialog again, only if she or he clears browser cookies.
However, you can programmatically change this behavior. If you think that at some particular point when browsing the website, a user, who has initially declined tracking, should be asked again whether tracking can be enabled, you can display again the Tracking consent dialog. For more information, see For developers: Tracking consent client-side API.
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This free lesson teaches administrators, marketers, and other business professionals how to use the Integration hub service to create automated workflows between Sitefinity and other business systems.
This free lesson teaches administrators the basics about protecting yor Sitefinity instance and its sites from external threats. Configure HTTPS, SSL, allow lists for trusted sites, and cookie security, among others.
The free on-demand video course teaches developers how to use Sitefinity .NET Core and leverage its decoupled architecture and new way of coding against the platform.
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