Deployment mode of websites

You can deploy websites via deployment packages. This means that when a project is exported for deployment, the sites that were created will also be exported and deployed to the next environment. To do this, you need to mark the site to be configured by deployment.

EXAMPLE: On the Development environment you create a website and configure its modules. If you mark the site for deployment, it will be exported together with the deployment package and when the package is uploaded to the next environment, the site will be created there with the way you have set it up on the Development environment. 

NOTE: When a site is marked for deployment, you cannot configure it on the next environments where it is uploaded. Settings, such as modules, providers, site languages, online or offline mode will be inactive.

Mark a site for deployment

  1. In the backend, expand the site selector in the upper-left corner of the page.
  2. Click Manage sites.
  3. Select the site that you want to configure.
  4. Click Configure by deployment.
    The site settings become inactive. With the next deployment, the site will be transferred to the next environment, where you will not be able to edit its settings. 

    NOTE: The restrictions are only in the UI, you will still be able to modify the site using the web services or the API. However, the next import will override the manual changes made to the site. 

  5. If you want to revert the configuration mode, click Configure manually.
    With the next deployment, the website will be skipped and you are able to modify the site again on the environment where you created it

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