Create integration tests


Writing integration tests in Sitefinity CMS using MSTest V2 framework appears to be very similar to writing MSTest unit tests. The integration tests are structured in test classes. Each test class holds a set of tests, setup logic, and cleanup logic. For more information about each element, refer to the sections below.

Test classes

The test classes hold the tests. You can use multiple test classes and group your tests depending on the functionality they cover. Each test class is represented by a class. To create a test class, perform the following:

  1. Create an empty class file that inherits from SitefinityIntegrationTestsBase class.
  2. Mark the class with the the TestClass attribute (required).
    Note that the class must be public.


The tests are represented by methods, which contain the logic that you want to test. To create a test method, perform the following:

  1. Create a void method which does not accept any arguments.
  2. Mark the method with the SitefinityIntegrationTest attribute (required).
  3. Mark the method with optional attributes:
    • TestCategory - the attribute may be applied on class or method level. All Sitefinity integration tests must have a category to be included in the CI test execution.
    • Owner - the attribute may be applied on method level only.
    • Description - the attribute may be applied on method level only.
    • Ignore - if specified, the test will be ignored.
    • ExpectedException - expects specific exception type to be thrown.
  4. Write the logic that you want to test.
  5. Assert the results.

Setup logic and cleanup logic

Note that the attributes for setup logic and cleanup logic are handled from the base class SitefinityIntegrationTestsBase. Therefore, if you implement some common setup and cleanup logic, you need to override the following methods:

  • ClassInitialize()
    Note that this method must have access to static variables only. The method is executed once before all tests in the test class.
  • ClassCleanup()
    Note that this method must have access to static variables only. The method is executed once before all tests in the test class. Executes always, even on test or setup failures.
  • TestInitialize()
    This method is executed before each test. 
  • TestCleanup()
    This method is executed after each test. Executes always, even on test or setup failures. 

Integration tests sample

Below is an integration tests example using MSTest V2 framework:

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Telerik.Sitefinity.TestIntegration.Framework.MSTest;
using Telerik.Sitefinity.TestUtilities;
namespace Telerik.Sitefinity.TestIntegration.MSTest
/// <summary>
/// Sample integration tests with MSTest v2
/// </summary>
public class IntegrationTestsExample : SitefinityIntegrationTestsBase
/// <summary>
/// <inheritdoc />
/// </summary>
public override void ClassInitialize()
// Executed once before all tests in the test class
// Must access only static variables
// Class initialize logic
/// <summary>
/// <inheritdoc />
/// </summary>
public override void ClassCleanup()
// Executed once after all tests in the test class
// Must access only static variables
// Class cleanup logic
/// <summary>
/// <inheritdoc />
/// </summary>
public override void TestInitialize()
// Executed before each test
// Test initialize logic
/// <summary>
/// <inheritdoc />
/// </summary>
public override void TestCleanup()
// Executed after each test
// Test cleanup logic
/// <summary>
/// Sample test
/// </summary>
[Description("Test description goes here.")]
public void SampleTest()
// Test logic

For more information, see the Integration Tests Sample on Sitefinity GitHub repository.

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