Aaron Kelly

I am an experienced executive that has demonstrated value in driving strategic growth and product visibility for a leading software companies. I have achieved success in building teams, operations, marketing, partnership building and product management. I am passionate, persuasive, articulate, and able to achieve results that others did not believe possible.

Articles by the Author

Scripting Complicates Achieving PCI Compliance
An audit to review PCI compliance at a large US-based transportation company revealed a number of file transfer problems that kept them from getting a passing grade. And with the PCI 3.1 “Business as Usual” mandate, the company’s auditors stressed the importance of...
3 Cyber Security Best Practices for SMB IT Teams
We've grown accustomed to hearing about cyber security failures at large enterprises like Target. But security threats and breaches are not just limited to the Fortune 500s of the world. Businesses of all shapes and sizes are vulnerable to cyber security threats and data...
Choosing the Right File Transfer Solution to Encrypt Data in Motion
There are quite a few routes you can take when it comes to a file transfer solution and the type of encryption to use, but say you are an SMB with very limited budget. How are you going to protect your data when you don’t have the money that an enterprise has access to?...
Best Practices Series: Network Mapping
In this blog, part of our series on IT best practices, I’ll share how network mapping works and how it will give you a complete vantage point of your entire network.
Why do I need Managed File Transfer? Isn’t FTP enough?
The Internet’s venerable File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is usually supported by Managed File Transfer (MFT) systems, which can typically use FTP as one of the ways in which data is physically moved from place to place. However, MFT essentially wraps a significant...
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