Arun Vishwanath

Dr. Arun Vishwanath is an expert on the “people problem” of cybersecurity. He has authored more than two-dozen peer reviewed research papers on the science of cybersecurity. His research has been presented to the principals of national security and law enforcement agencies around the world as well at institutions such as the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, the U.S. Army Cyber Institute at West Point, and at cybersecurity conferences such as Black Hat.

Articles by the Author

Mobile Telephony is Dying - Here's Why
Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile–I hope you are reading this. Mobile telephony, your primary business model of enabling phone calls and text messaging, is dying.
Data Security In The Cloud: Part 2
Vulnerabilities in cloud-sharing services stem from the usage of multiple cloud services because of which users need to keep adapting and adjusting their exceptions.
Data Security in the Cloud: Part 1
The adoption of public cloud computing makes user data less secure. And it's not for the reasons most in IT realize.
4 Barriers Impeding Everyone's Ability to Work from Home
Most of us are now working from home, but that doesn't mean it has been easy for everyone. These are the four barriers that are impeding a remote workforce during the pandemic.
How Hacking, Trolling, and Misinformation Impacts Cybersecurity
The Dark Triad brings together three types of online cyber attacks: hacking, misinformation, and trolling. While they can each work independently, they usually feed off each other and become especially potent when working in concert.
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