Daniel Stoyanov

Daniel has 9+ years of experience in the field of creating usable and effective UI solutions. Over the course of his career, he designed user experiences for a variety of web and desktop-based software products, intranet systems and websites. He is passionate about creating UX concepts and strategies that form the foundation of reliable, usable and effective products and strongly believes that usually the best solutions are the simplest ones. He dedicates his spare time to motorsports—both watching and practicing.

Articles by the Author

12 Tips to Build an Engaging B2B Homepage
An average visitor takes only a couple of seconds to decide whether to stay on a website. An organized, usable and reasonable website can add trustworthiness and competence to your company's reputation. Here are 12 tips you can take to build a high-performing homepage.
The Challenge-Capability Model: A More Engaging Way to Present B2B Software
The B2B buyer has evolved drastically in the past few years. In the digital era that we live in, the B2B buyer is more informed, confident and independent than ever. According to Corporate Executive Board, 60% of the average B2B buyer’s purchase decision has already happened before approaching the ...
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