Dave Pierce content manager Progress Software

Dave Pierce

Dave Pierce was the employer brand manager for Progress.

Articles by the Author

Progress Turns 40
How did Progress celebrate 40 years as a software company? We got to know the people who shaped the company and the philosophy that keeps us thriving today.
Success Rings Out From Nasdaq As Progress Celebrates 40th Anniversary
Progress celebrated 40 years as a company and 30 years on the Nasdaq by ringing the bell at the stock exchange—one of many highlights of a memorable year.
Gavriela Tejedor Meyers Wins Progress Mary Székely Scholarship for Women in STEM
Gavriela Tejedor Meyers of Brookline High School was selected as the second recipient of the annual $10,000 Progress Mary Székely Scholarship for Women in STEM.
Dr. Shirley Knowles To Lead Inclusion and Diversity Efforts at Progress
Progress hired Dr. Shirley Knowles to develop strategies and initiatives to support and advance an inclusive, equitable and diverse workplace for employees.
Meet Stephan Leferink, Senior Sales Director at Progress
Stephan Leferink has worked at Progress since 1992. In that time, both his professional and personal endeavors have been fulfilling and sometimes thrilling.
Meet Mike Duncan, Senior Director of Customer Success at Progress
Progress is successful because it helps so many of its customers be successful. And a big part of that is thanks to the team headed up by Mike Duncan.
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