Evan Lenz

View all posts from Evan Lenz on the Progress blog. Connect with us about all things application development and deployment, data integration and digital business.

Articles by the Author

Introducing the simple mapping operator (!)
The simple mapping operator (!), a feature of XQuery 3.0, promises to transform the face of XQuery programming style. Check it out.
Evan Lenz September 27, 2012
Comparison Operators in XQuery: What’s the difference between “eq” and “=”?
XQuery has these 12 comparison operators: eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, =, !=, , =. Isn’t that about 6 too many?
Evan Lenz March 30, 2012
Warning: name() is a code smell
Namespace-related bugs are a pain in the neck. You can avoid a large class of them by pretending that the name() function never existed (and avoid using it).
Evan Lenz February 03, 2012
Warning: text() is a code smell
Do you use the text() node test a lot? You may need to get help. Fortunately, you need look no further than this article.
Evan Lenz January 10, 2012
Controlling Output Options
How do you control how your query or stylesheet results will be serialized (encoding, indentation, etc.)? There are several options for controlling output options.
Evan Lenz January 05, 2012
“Fragment”-ed thoughts
What is meant by the term “fragment” in MarkLogic? How is it different from a “document”? Are there different kinds of fragments?
Evan Lenz December 22, 2011
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