Jeanne Hopkins

As Executive Vice President and CMO of Ipswitch, Jeanne Hopkins knows the value of blogging as part of an Inbound Marketing strategy. She’s been blogging for years for a variety of software companies, and understands that as an author, blog posts usually stand the test of time. And, every marketer needs to blog.

Articles by the Author

Branding in Banking: 5 Reasons Strong Brands Win
Branding is a new concept in the financial industry, if you consider the industry goes back to ancient civilization. However, it's critical to success in today's environment.
Changing Role of IT Managers and Security (Part 1)
By showing the way to mine data quickly and use it effectively, IT managers will become our data heroes. 
8 Essential Hard And Soft Skills Every IT Pro Needs
Employers want to see both hard and soft skills in potential employees. Here are some examples to keep in mind.
IT Pros, Do You Have Cybersecurity On Your Resume?
Experience and knowledge in cybersecurity have become a necessary resume addition for anyone pursuing a career in the IT field. 
Branding In Healthcare: A Strong Brand Builds Trust
In the healthcare industry, developing a strong brand will put you ahead of the vast majority of your competition.
Branding in Healthcare: 5 Reasons You Need a Strong Brand
In the old days of healthcare, who needed a brand? People came to you because you were there, not because they deliberately chose you over some alternative.
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