Jesse Davis

Jesse Davis

As Senior Director of Research & Development, Jesse is responsible for the daily operations, product development initiatives and forward looking research for Progress DataDirect. Jesse has spent nearly 20 years creating enterprise data products and has served as an expert on several industry standards including JDBC, J2EE, DRDA and OData. Jesse holds a bachelor of science degree in Computer Engineering from North Carolina State university.

Articles by the Author

In the Digital Universe, Performance Decides Success
In Part 4 of his data performance series, Jesse Davis ​discusses out how data can be used to gain better insight into customer behavior.
Jesse Davis October 06, 2015
We Don’t Tolerate Delays
In part 3 of his data performance series, Jesse Davis describes his disdain for delays. Also read part two of the series: “Data Performance in a Digital Universe.”
Jesse Davis September 20, 2015
Data Performance in a Digital Universe
In part 2 of his data performance series, Jesse Davis describes how high-performing data connectivity determines success in an increasingly digital world. Also read part 1 of the series:...
Progress Delivers Proven Performance
Jesse Davis explains how Progress DataDirect delivers the best in data connectivity and integration.
Jesse Davis July 01, 2015
Sparked for DataDirect Design Previews at Progress Exchange
If you’re been following our blog then you know we’re quickly approaching Progress Exchange, our...
Hurdles for Hadoop
What’s preventing the enterprise from adapting Hadoop for all of their Big Data needs? This is a question that I answered in a recent contributed piece in NetworkWorld: “In short, companies don't have...
Jesse Davis January 03, 2013
Prefooter Dots
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