Mike Ormerod

View all posts from Mike Ormerod on the Progress blog. Connect with us about all things application development and deployment, data integration and digital business.

Articles by the Author

The Transparent Cloud
There is a lot of talk in the Cloud world these days around the various types of Cloud. Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid, the list goes on & on, but when you really consider these terms they say more about the technical implementation than anything else. But do I care? Should I care? What I’m...
Mike Ormerod April 20, 2012
All About the Cloud...
Last week I spent 3 days at the 'All About The Cloud' conference in San Francisco, an event that is primarily targeted at ISV's, and where for the first time Progress had a booth in the vendor Expo.  Let's just review that, Progress had a booth at a Cloud conference, to many that may come as a...
Progress Arcade, what's that? Can I play?
As Progress Arcade makes it's first tentative steps into the world (we'll shortly start a Beta program) I thought it might be worth while to do a quick posting as to what Arcade is and also importantly what it isn't.  I'm sure some of you reading this will know of Arcade, or at least have a vague...
Announcing AutoEdge|TheFactory, a new OpenEdge Sample Application
To coincide with the release of OpenEdge 10.2b04 and Savvion 7.6.1 we are pleased to announce a new sample application, AutoEdge|TheFactory which can be found on Progress Communities : http://communities.progress.com/pcom/community/psdn/openedge/architecture/autoedgethefactory
Cloud: Hype or a Business Reality?

As we come to the close of 2010 I think it's interesting to look and see what state this thing called Cloud is in.

Firstly I think it's fair to say that the visibility of Cloud (which seems a bit of a strange thing to say, given it's nebulous nature, but you know what I mean) is...

The future's bright, the future's OpenEdge

Ok so maybe the title isn't original, and yes it does take a certain liberal attitude with a famous advertising strap line, but these are indeed exciting times for OpenEdge and the future is not just bright but dazzling!!

I've just spent the past two days giving presentations to some local...

Mike Ormerod October 06, 2010
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