
Pam Gazley

View all posts from Pam Gazley on the Progress blog. Connect with us about all things application development and deployment, data integration and digital business.

Articles by the Author

What is RPM?
This week Progress Software end users and partners worldwide gathered in Boston to get some actionable insights that will help them lower costs, raise efficiency, improve customer experiences, and drive revenue. Our attendees have the ability to chose from over 100 sessions designed specifically for...
Pam Gazley September 22, 2011
Do you know Dr. John Bates?
If you don’t, get to know him. Though not a native of Massachusetts, it’s safe to say, “he’s wicked smaaht”. Not only is he smart, he’s really a genuine, nice person.  Recently, Dr. John Bates was named as one of the...
Pam Gazley August 19, 2011
Forrester Recognizes Progress Sonic As A Leader in the ESB Market
Did you know that Progress® Sonic® was the industry's first Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)? It was, however, introduced in 2002 by Sonic Software which was an independent operating company of Progress Software Corporation. In April independent research firm Forrester Research, Inc. named...
Pam Gazley July 19, 2011
An Algorithmic Trading and Market Surveillance Wrap Up
Our Capital Markets and Progress Apama teams have been BUSY! Today many of them are recovering from a busy week at the SIFMA Financial Services Technology Expo in New York City. In addition to lots of greeting and...
Dr. Ketabchi Reveals Secret Sauce of BPM
Are you a business or IT person who wants to... Reduce costs? Improve quality? Manage exceptions? Increase revenue? Most likely, it's all of the above. Dr. M.A. Ketabchi, Chief Strategist at Progress Software, presented at the Gartner BPM Summit in March on how you can...
Pam Gazley May 19, 2011
Business Process Improvement vs People

Do you think we can actually improve business processes if people are involved? I think the answer is yes… at least I hope so. Back in May 2010 I completed the introduction of a single sign-on (SSO) project that I had been working on for over a year. I admit it, it was painful. During the planning...

Pam Gazley March 25, 2011
Prefooter Dots
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