Developing with Sitefinity and JS Framework in Decoupled/Headless Fashion

by Peter Filipov Posted on October 14, 2022

Sitefinity provides solutions to develop with a JS framework in a decoupled/headless fashion. Learn how developers and marketers can leverage Sitefinity in this way.

Developing with a JS framework in a decoupled/headless fashion provides certain benefits for the developers and a few challenges for the marketers (most of the time, they are not addressed at all). With Sitefinity, we offer the good stuff for programmers and no friction for the non-technical people building the pages.

The new decoupled architecture of Sitefinity is built in a unique way where the page building experience and personalization options are not coupled to a certain technology. It means that no matter of the technology under the hood—.NET 6, React or Angular—the marketers will have the drag and drop components, widgets configuration and personalization options coming out of the box.

For marketers, it will be indistinguishable what technology is used. In a few words, this is a patent pending solution that allows developers to use their framework of choice and keeps marketers' productivity high.

Developer Story

Almost all DXP solutions on the market are offering decent capabilities for developers, but all of them are tightly coupled to a specific framework which limits the dev teams’ freedom. Sitefinity provides a great solution to this problem.

The first iteration of it, a.k.a. our decoupled initiative, was to release a frontend renderer on widely adopted technology—.NET 6. This makes the whole transition of our classic Sitefinity development easier. The reality today is that developers want to use a variety of JS frameworks without being limited to one choice. Digital agencies and ISVs have different skill sets, making partners more versatile so they can hire people with broader coding skills rather than people who should know the specifics of a product. For all these reasons, we architected Sitefinity to cover those needs. At the moment, Sitefinity allows all developers to reuse their React and Angular experience, and develop against Sitefinity into React or Angular renderers.

To put that in simple terms, developers do not have to have a deep knowledge of Sitefinity to deliver a project—you just need to know React or Angular.

I know that you are eager to learn how is this possible and the difference between the technical setup compared to the classical headless approach:

Marketers Story

Sitefinity DX is a Digital Experience Platform that is well-known for its great functionality for marketers. With our new page and form building experience in our .NET 6 renderer, we bring our game on a new level.

With WYSIWIG capabilities and improved control on its appearance, which does not require technical assistance, marketers are in heaven. The latest addition of templating parts of a page boosts their productivity. The personalization on page and widget level are supported as well. The good news is that due to our new decoupled architecture, this same experience will continue to be present for marketers no matter if you use .NET 6, React or Angular.

Those three screenshots are made from the page building experience using different the technologies—.NET6, React and Angular. It is proof that the marketers' experience will be smooth and neat, no matter the underlying technology. Pick your favorite option and start coding. For the first people to try it, I will spend at least an hour to meet you and discuss your objective. Please hurry and book your slot by pinging me via LinkedIn or here in the comments.

Peter Filipov
Peter Filipov

Peter Filipov (Pepi) is a Product Builder focused on building the future of Sitefinity, relying on the newest technologies such as .NET 6 (and up), React and Angular. His previous experience as a Developer Advocate and Manager of Engineering helps him to understand the customers’ and market needs of Sitefinity. He also is passionate about being active and healthy.

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