Genius Cloud Uses Kinvey to Increase Productivity

Evolving Your Application Architecture for Todays Users_870x450
by Aalishan Matrix Posted on December 26, 2018

Businesses often find themselves trying to balance multiple priorities as they develop their apps. See how Genius Cloud uses Kinvey to quickly deliver apps with great user experiences. 

In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, opportunities come and go quickly. Regardless of whether you're a startup developing a new concept or an established one seeking to stay ahead of the competition, innovation and user experience are the two main priorities. However, they tend to compete with each other for developer bandwidth, making it hard to build them both out as much as possible. Mobile backend services can help with that.

I wanted to share my experience with selecting a mobile backend for my app. I am part of a web hosting and development company called Genius Cloud. Our mission is to add value to the businesses we touch by creating an environment where we keep innovating consistently, improving our knowledge and bringing new creative processes to deliver the best quality services to all of our clients.

I used to run my applications on Firebase and was not satisfied with the service. I did a stress test with a million nodes in the tree and it really didn’t perform well.

Developing Modern Apps with Ease

Kinvey makes it ridiculously easy to set up enterprise applications and operate a cloud backend for mobile apps. Developers don't have to worry about connecting to various cloud services, setting up servers for their backend or dealing with maintenance and scaling. Kinvey’s Developer Edition is my favorite plan for an individual’s or startup’s application.

Kinvey is very user-friendly with good documentation support. For every one of the multitude of services on offer, the documentation is simplified and easy to understand. It is designed to get developers up and running quickly.

Genius Cloud uses the Kinvey platform in our two cloud applications for Android. Users sync their data with a cloud backup through our applications. Without Kinvey, we would have still been running on a service that was slow and not at all productive.

To learn more about Genius Cloud, check out the company's website. You can also learn more about Kinvey at our website or if you want to dive straight in, just sign up for a free trial.

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Aslishan Matrix
Aalishan Matrix
Aalishan Matrix is a tech entrepreneur, innovator and digital marketing strategist. With over 11 years of professional experience in the cloud computing and digital media industry, Aalishan has created many complex, world-class software products for numerous platforms, producing solutions that are aimed at significantly improving the lives of designers, developers and media managers.
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