Over the last year you’ve heard a lot about Operational Responsiveness from Progress and what it means to and for your business - the ability to:
Every business and enterprise wants to be operationally responsive, but getting there is the challenge. Certainly, our recently announced Progress® Responsive Process Management (RPM) suite makes this challenge easier by enabling business users to gain visibility into critical processes, immediately respond to events, and continuously improve business performance without disrupting existing infrastructure. But what about that infrastructure? What role does that play in responsive process management and Operational Responsiveness?
We believe it plays a foundational role and that is why we’ve created a completely new set of educational and informative videos, whiteboard sessions, podcasts and technical papers that services and application platform architectures in the context of Operational Responsiveness.
Beginning with four podcasts and technical papers on messaging, the Enterprise Integration Whiteboard Series will explore services integration, data connectivity, transformation and life cycles, legacy modernization, and management as core, interdependent components of every modern enterprise application integration infrastructure. In total the series will consist of 10 topics with a new topic posted every two weeks through September 2010.
The first brief and whiteboard video, Messaging Architecture, examines the four basic components of the Progress® Sonic messaging system --brokers, acceptors, clusters, and the underlying protocols—to show how they provide not only robust integration, but business and IT benefits as well.
Read the paper and watch the video and let us know what you think by commenting to this post. Share your enterprise integration experiences.
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