Manufacturing requires precision. Manufacturing 140,000 kilometers of wire per day is akin to the pursuit of perfection. Schwering & Hasse employs 400 production lines 24 hours a day to manufacture enough magnetized copper wire each year to stretch beyond Venus. They are a Progress Apama customer and we are proud to assist them in their pursuit.
During the manufacturing process, even the smallest temperature variation can result in critical errors and lost production. S&H came to Progress Software looking for a powerful yet customizable quality management solution. Progress Apama gives S&H the ability to monitor dozens of independent quality factors in real time – up to 50,000 production events per second. For example, Apama enables S&H to be aware of specific machines, copper lots, workers and production parameters such as temperature – all in the context of historical manufacturing data.
After deploying the Apama-based quality management system, S&H’s factories are monitoring quality every 25 millimeters – a fast improvement over quality checks at every 100 meters previously. This means fewer mistakes, higher yields and better margins. All thanks to affordable, real-time quality control.
Interested in learning more about how Progress Apama solved Schwering & Hasse’s quality control problem? Read the complete case study here.
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