Companies do not compete, supply chains compete…have you heard that one before? If you have, you probably are well aware of all the factors that go into running your business rely upon a host of partners and service providers that do not have your logo on their business cards. Globalization and competiveness has created a business world where no company can truly “own” all that goes into make their business…their business. We can only succeed in our business if our partner, our supply chain, is successful. In the pursuit of efficiencies, economies of scale and maximizing competitive advantages we have also created the unintended consequences of dilution of control. Even when companies controlled their supply chain they did not enjoy the visibility or ability to react to consumer demands to the level they would like. Remember Henry Ford? He was happy to sell you a Model T in any color you wanted, as long as it was black. Already Ford knew that his assembly line, and by extension his supply chain, could not cope well with diversity, choice and any color other than black.
Fast-forward to today’s globalized economy. Companies whether they are B2B or B2C, must offer choices to their end customer. Whether those choices are in terms of the color, size, taste, speed or texture of the good or whether it relates to the service level a customer can expect after the sale or the rapidity at which the service is delivered. These all factor into the global extended supply chain and all call for a level of orchestration and visibility not easily attained but constantly demanded by customers. The reality is our extended supply chains and businesses need greater visibility and enhanced real time decision-making functions in order to compete and ensure they meet the constantly evolving demands of the consumer.
At Progress Software we are addressing these needs and this next step in the evolution of supply chain solutions. Come to Revolution to learn from our team and clients how we are able to tackle this issue and join us to take the next steps in the next wave of supply chain solution innovation.
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