The verdict is in. Gartner released its first ever "Magic Quadrant for Application Performance” Monitoring (APM). With the release of this quadrant, they’ve now confirmed another “perfect storm” -- the convergence of application complexity, making management more difficult ,and business, driving IT operations to become more application-centric. The bottom-line: how does IT operations keep up with the ever-winding web of applications? How do they ensure the success of every single important business transaction as it traverses through databases, middleware, application servers, and external services?
The Magic Quadrant does a nice job of defining the 5 dimensions of APM. The most interesting were “end-user experience monitoring” and “user-defined transaction profiling” --f ocusing on the user experience. What a concept: a clear focus on how customers are being treated, how satisfied they are or aren’t, actually trying to understand if they’re having a good or bad experience! That said, Progress Actional business transaction assurance (BTA) has been a market leader focused on these key disciplines through patented technology that enables teams to automatically discover and model transaction flows and manage and control user outcome. And with the integration points into BPM of the latest release, Actional BTA pushes the envelope of APM by including both approaches to transaction profiling: automated transaction-centric event correlation for business processes that include automated and manual steps, and, as always, transaction-tagging.
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