Long gone are the days when simple shared hosting was all your organization would ever need in order to get online. Today’s digital experiences demand lightning-fast content delivery, global connectivity, near infinite computing power and high availability.
Once you start rolling with Azure AD Connect and hybrid identity between local Active Directory and Azure Active Directory, one of your first thoughts is, "What happens if my Azure AD Connect server goes offline?"
By integrating this REST API in, not only does it show how you can leverage AirTable and Azure, but how you can integrate just about any REST API out there into Azure DevOps.
One of the nice things about having a simple Windows file share on a local file server is that the support to transfer files to/from it is built into Windows. Since the share is created for SMB, you can map Windows drives to it, navigate to it’s UNC path and so on. When...
Lab environments are essential to lots of people in IT, including system administrators needing to test out the latest software or software developers needing to deploy their own custom software to test before rolling it out to production.