Tag: banking

Is the Bank Branch Going the Way of the Bookstore?
As consumer behavior changes and foot traffic declines, banks must prioritize their online experience to stay competitive.
Banking on a Future in Big Data - How DBS Bank is Driving Customer Engagements with Decision Analytics
Earlier this week, I participated in a webinar with FierceFinance on Big Data and next-era business intelligence. In preparation for the event, I took a look at the nature of banking and Big Data which blends the virtual world with the real world. I was struck by just how much opportunity there is...
How BPM is Evolving to Help Banks Improve Top-line
Earlier this week, I spoke at IQPC’s Business Process Excellence for Financial Services conference in New York. As a chairperson for the event, I took great pride in bringing together a community of experts and thought leaders to discuss the burgeoning technology issues facing financial institutions....
Bank Customer Switching: Does Size Really Matter?
Earlier this month I attended American Banker’s Best Practices in Retail Financial Services Symposium. The event reflected the current challenge banks are facing in light of regulation and competition- trying to a strike a balance...

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