In a recent white paper entitled, The Four Factors Driving Business Process Management (BPM), the author, Pejman Makhfi, identifies the four drivers for BPM adoption:
When all you can do is analyze what HAS happened instead of what IS ABOUT to happen, you are missing out on important opportunities. What you really need is to get actionable insight so you can gain total control of your business. Join us tomorrow for the webinar Your Business Moves...
I can’t help but notice all the references to “real-time” lately—real-time AWD, real-time ABS, real-time computing, real-time communication, real-time arts, Real Time with Bill Maher, etc.—I even clicked on… I got the message “Http/1.1 Service Unavailable” and the only thing I can say is...
Hey everyone! I haven't written in a while because I'm still getting used to my new role and am freshly back from a nice two-week vacation. Why does all the juicy stuff get released while I'm away? Anyway, I'm sure it's not about me (this time). [Apparently I have a lot to...
It’s been raining here in Massachusetts for 3 days straight, but today I got to add a NEW acronym to my arsenal...
Introducing RPM - Responsive Process Management
In case you missed it,...
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