Tag: CEP

Beyond BPM: Why integration is the key
Whenever I’m asked whether Business Process Management (BPM) is the secret ingredient for achieving a truly successful business, it always makes me chuckle. Not because BPM can’t be a useful and highly effective tool in and of itself, but because, in my view, it’s only one of a number of weapons...
What is RPM?
This week Progress Software end users and partners worldwide gathered in Boston to get some actionable insights that will help them lower costs, raise efficiency, improve customer experiences, and drive revenue. Our attendees have the ability to chose from over 100 sessions designed specifically for...
Pam Gazley September 22, 2011
The Travel Technology Revolution and What It Means For You
By Joshua Norrid, Industry VP, Travel and Leisure, Progress Software It was a pleasure to attend the...
All Aboard: New Regulations Take Many Tracks
The regulatory trains in Europe and the US have left their respective stations and are headed down the tracks, but they will change tracks many times along the route before reaching their destination. Thick tomes of proposed operating rules have to be interpreted even as interested financial services...
Dr. Ketabchi Reveals Secret Sauce of BPM
Are you a business or IT person who wants to... Reduce costs? Improve quality? Manage exceptions? Increase revenue? Most likely, it's all of the above. Dr. M.A. Ketabchi, Chief Strategist at Progress Software, presented at the Gartner BPM Summit in March on how you can...
Pam Gazley May 19, 2011

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