is my second installment on a series devoted to the Apama
Event Processing Language, MonitorScript. In...
month I was invited to speak at a Developers Workshop sponsored
by Sun Microsystems on building low-latency trading applications. I
had a 25 minute time slot to fill with the goal of educating an audience
of 110 architects, engineers...
Greetings from Raleigh on January 26, 2009
I suppose an introduction is in order. My name is David Olson. Long time Progress person and I tend to float between technical and business roles in the company. Recently crossed over into the Apama world to focus on opportunities other than Capital...
IDC, one of the "big three" software analyst firms has just published a report on CEP - Complex Event Processing Opportunity Analysis and Assessment of Key Products (more information about it is available here)....
I published a post on our sister CEP blog last week. The topic has wider relevance than CEP so here's a link to it and I include the original text below. Enjoy.
I’d like to add my voice to the debate this week...
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