Tag: employee engagement

Meet Natasha Walwyn-Robinson, Senior Counsel at Progress
Natasha Walwyn-Robinson is an active mother, a fitness enthusiast, and a mentor who wants to give back to other young professionals.
Meet Antoniya Boynovska, Product Manager at Progress
Meet Antoniya, product manager for Progress Unite UX, the first-of-its-kind solution to bring design and development together.
Using a Microservices Architecture to Develop Microapps
Microapps and microservices are two distinct concepts. In this article we focus on microapps and how you can utilize a microservices architecture with a microapps platform.
Rob Lauer June 12, 2019
Meet Elena Gancheva, Software Engineer at Progress
Meet Elena Gancheva, a software engineer on the Kendo UI for Angular team and a passionate contributor to the tech community.
Deploy a Universal Employee Engagement App for IT Assets
Employee disengagement has a higher cost than you think. Learn how can you improve employee engagement with a micro-application architecture.
Sumit Sarkar April 17, 2019

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