Long gone are the days when simple shared hosting was all your organization would ever need in order to get online. Today’s digital experiences demand lightning-fast content delivery, global connectivity, near infinite computing power and high availability.
Recently, I was surprised to find out that there is still a lot confusion surrounding the words we use when talking about cloud. References to “public,” “private” and “hybrid” clouds are so common that it’s easy to take for granted the fact that you will be understood. However, if Forrester’s...
Cloud computing has more benefits than some business leaders may realize. Many of the criticisms launched at cloud platforms come from a very limited view of what the technology is and how it works. In the broadest terms, you can choose to operate your cloud platform in your own servers or on...
With GoDaddy’s entire DNS service down, I figured it would be a good time to write up a quick migration guide for anyone looking to use this opportunity to jump the GoDaddy ship.