Tag: How to

Configure 'Break Glass' Emergency Access for Azure Active Directory
In cloud computing generally and in Microsoft Azure specifically, the shared responsibility model means that both Microsoft and you (the customer) have a role to play in ensuring service high availability.
Protecting Local Credentials with LAPS
One of the most significant issues faced in a Microsoft Windows environment is the ability to steal credentials and utilize these credentials to move throughout the network laterally.
Part 3 - Getting Started with Azure Automation: Managing Assets
In this article, you will learn about Azure Automation Assets. You will also learn how to add assets to your automation account that your runbooks can then use at runtime.
Setting Up A Persistent SSH Tunnel
Adversaries can utilize MITM attacks to steal credentials, even when they are protected by SSL.
Detecting and Defending Against Pass the Hash Attacks
A pass the hash attack is a common attack vector utilized by many adversaries. In this attack, a Windows username is paired with the hashed value of a Windows account password. Let's take a deeper look.

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