Tag: platform as a service

Rapid application development requires a strong team

Rapid application development is a balancing act between several important forces. You need to find the best Iteam to handle the project while also ensuring they have the right tools and the training to use them. Follow these steps correctly, and you could...

Michelle Tackabery January 21, 2014
Progress defines best practices for PaaS
Platform-as-a- Service (PaaS) is gaining widespread acceptance as a way to deploy packaged software and build new applications without the overhead of a development environment. While enterprise adoption of PaaS is growing, many of the advantages and best practices used to achieve success with PaaS...
The App Dev Team December 23, 2013
Multi-tenant Distributed Process Environment (Part 2 of 2)
Last week at Chennai, Nasscom EmergeOut conclave recognized the prominence SaaS & Cloud hold in IT psyche today, and they had Innovation in the SaaS/Cloud space as its primary theme. I chaired a...

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