Platform-as-a- Service (PaaS) is gaining widespread acceptance as a way to deploy packaged software and build new applications without the overhead of a development environment. While enterprise adoption of PaaS is growing, many of the advantages and best practices used to achieve success with PaaS are not widely known. In our new whitepaper, Michael Benedict, VP and GM of Progress Pacific, talks about best practices for adoption of a PaaS environment.
Benedict addresses scalability and infrastructure aspects of PaaS Deployment, coding wisdom in a “codeless” environment, integration with cloud based IT assets, and vital security policies. Benedict considers the challenges inherent in adopting PaaS in different development environments and proposes a host of strategies for meeting these challenges based on an organization’s goals for success. This helps equip both IT and non–IT users to make informed PaaS buying decisions.
Click Here to read the full paper : Coming to Your Terms with Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) by Michael Benedict
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