Tag: Rollbase

Extending Client Side Behavior to a Rollbase Page Using Remote API
Today’s web applications use various services to mine data. These services provide users a better user experience when they enter information like name and zip code, into your app. If you're building applications with Progress Rollbase, part...
AV Operator at Cloud World Forum Wins Hackathon with No Prior Programming Experience
Last week, we hosted the Enterprise Hackfest at Cloud World Forum 2014, held in London. I was fortunate to be a part of the two-day hackathon event, where we challenged entrants to create unique and innovative applications - either web or mobile...
Turning Disruption into an Asset
In the past, we have said that the Cloud is disruptive, yet provides potentially large economic benefits. And we have also talked about how Mobile is changing everything—both in terms of user experience as well as ubiquitous access to business applications. Neither Mobility nor Cloud are just a...
Progress Pacific's New Mobile AppDev Capabilities, Perfect for Your Enterprise
The title of this post says it all! We're extremely excited to announce that we've extended the rapid application development (RAD) capabilities of Progress Pacific to...
No Slackers Among These LA Hackers
Last month, I attended the LAHacks hackathon in Los Angeles on behalf of Progress. The event was held at the UCLA Pauley Pavilion, April 11-13th and it had participation from 1,400 hackers. It was a great...

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