There have been many relatively recent dramatic improvements in hardware. Factors such as processor speed/design and network capacity appear to be making shortages of hardware resources very pre-2011. Not to mention falling prices that appear to not have hit bottom just yet. But with improving...
How’s your performance?
No, it’s not a personal question, it’s the most common question that we get from customers about our products. “Sure, you have lots of great features,” they’ll say. “But how’s your performance?” Great question! I have always loved to answer this one but I especially...
Let's be frank: no one likes to be told that something that has worked and worked well for years is broken. But that is where Java architects and developers find themselves today in the face of the evidence that JDBC Type 4 drivers do not adequately support the modern Java application stack.
Commenting on Dana Gardner's Briefings Direct blog about freeing mainframe applications, Gregg offers his take on why it is wise to leave applications on the mainframe. This podcast runs for...
In this podcast Rob Steward argues that virtualization is causing the software industry to reexamine many of the same issues that were faced 30 years ago. The podcast lasts for 3:12 and can be listened to here:...