They’re Powered by Progress and Proud of it!

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by Chuck Sicard Posted on July 23, 2014

As part of our Partner+ Program, we recently rolled out the very first round of our Powered by Progress Award program where we challenged our partners to put together creative sales, marketing, event or program campaigns focused around the Progress technology they use to power their business and their “Powered by Progress” story. Our first round of award campaigns was held December 1, 2013 - May, 31, 2014, where partners could win awards in the categories of Events, Demand Generation and Web/Social Media.

First place in the Events category was our partner B&L Information Systems. They are the technological leader in metalcasting ERP software. The winning B&L Information Systems event was the 118th MetalCasting Congress, a large industry trade show sponsored by the American Foundry Society.

Second place in the Events category was Progress Partner Davanti Warehousing BV, a specialist in warehouse management systems (WMS). Davanti participated in the Annual Dutch WMS Event on April 15, 2014.

First place in the social media/web category was awarded to our partner Roundtable Software. Roundtable provides an easy-to-use version control system for managing changes to development projects and application source code. The team at Roundtable put together a social media series on how Progress is everywhere; sharing a number of businesses we interact with regularly that use Progress technology.

Second place in social media/web went to our partner Bluebird Auto Rental Systems, a developer and distributor of car rental system software. They placed the “Powered by Progress” medallion in their social media imaging, website front page, website partner page and video advertisement campaign. They also promoted Facebook posts using the #PoweredByProgress hashtag.

Congratulations to all of our award recipients, we are so pleased to have such loyal partners! To learn more about our Partner+ Program click here or watch the short video below!

Chuck Sicard
Chuck Sicard
Responsible for developing Partner marketing programs and content to support enablement, communications and Partner planning for go-to-market campaigns. Provide Partners with consultative guidance, assets and programs to drive effective joint pipeline build and progression activities.
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