
Learning Center

Your one source for Corticon training videos
and hands-on tutorials.

Tutorials are designed to be hands-on using Corticon Studio. If you haven't installed Corticon Studio yet,
you should install it first. Get instructions on installing Corticon Studio.

New to Corticon

Introduction to Corticon Rule Modeling

In this video, you will get a quick tour of rule modeling in Corticon.


Corticon Rule Modeling

Basic Rule Modeling in Corticon Studio

Learn how to capture rules from business specifications, model the rules, analyze them for logical errors, and test the execution of your rules in Corticon Studio, all without programming. (1-2 HOURS)

Advanced Rule Modeling in Corticon Studio

Learn how to use some of Corticon Studio’s more complex and powerful functions, including: Vocabularies and associations, Scope and Aliases, action-only rules, equations, Collections and Collection operators, attribute and entity operators, Filters and Ruleflows. (2 HOURS

Modeling Rules to Access a Database Using EDC

Learn how to use Corticon’s Enterprise Data Connector (EDC) to model rules that read from or write to a database. (1-2 HOURS)

Checking for Logical Problems in Your Rulesheet

Progress Corticon Studio provides utilities that enable you to check for four types of logical problems in your Rulesheet—conflicts, incompleteness, hidden dependencies, and unintended loops. In this video, you will see how to use these utilities to check for logical problems.


Deploying and Managing Corticon Decision Services

Which Way Should I Deploy a Decision Service?

In this video, you learn about your options for deploying a Decision Service – in-process or as a Web Service.


Deploying a Progress Corticon Decision Service as a Web Service for Java

You can deploy a Decision Service on Progress Corticon Server as a REST or SOAP Web Service for Java or for .NET. This tutorial teaches you how to do it for Java. (1 HOUR)

Deploying a Progress Corticon Decision Service In-Process (Java)

You can access a Corticon Decision Service in-process from a Java or .NET client application. This tutorial teaches you how to do it from a Java application. (1 HOUR)

Connecting a Decision Service to a Database Using EDC

Learn how to use Corticon’s Enterprise Data Connector (EDC) to map a Vocabulary to a database and deploy a Decision Service that accesses a database. (1-2 HOURS)

Batch Processing in Corticon

Learn more about Corticon Decision Services that can processes very large datasets efficiently by using the Corticon Advanced Data Connector and batch processing capabilities in the Corticon Web Console. This tutorial dives deeper, providing you step-by-step instructions for taking an ADC enabled decision service and using it for batch processing.